Monday, September 3, 2012

Welcome Levi | Chattanooga Birth Photographer

**This post might not be for some, though there is nothing graphic or offensive. **

Someone I consider a dear friend commissioned me to document the birth of her fourth baby, an opportunity I eagerly welcomed!  I've long dreamed of being able to photograph a birth and I yearn to establish myself as a birth photographer.  

I have four babies and I absolutely LOVED delivering them.  I don't think there's a substance in heaven or on Earth to replicate the emotional high of being part of such an incredible miracle.  Though the idea of birth photography might not be everyone's favorite, for those who do want to document the moment, I can assure you that the images will strike the deepest chord in your soul for years to come.

Here are the images from Levi's entrance into this world, and his beautiful momma's strength, grace, and love... I could type for days about how humbling this was, but I'll let the images tell the story.

What an amazing experience.  What an amazing family.  What an amazing God we serve.