Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I Heart Faces Challenge

I didn't blog a sneak peek for Vandy's shoot because I turned around her images so quickly - from shoot to website was a mere day - I was so excited about the photos I captured and couldn't get enough of her daughters' beautiful faces and sweet personalities.  I had so many, many favorites from that day and I'll post them soon, but I wanted to put this one in particular out there because I fell in love with her youngest daughter's wistful, innocent gaze.  Not only was this my favorite shot, but it seems to be a fan favorite as well. 


  1. Such sweet contemplation in her face. Very cute. Love the processing.

  2. Cute! I love her far away look!

  3. Boy, she is somewhere, isn't she!?! This is such a fantastic memory to look back on...wow!!!

    Love, Meli



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