I have a love-hate thing with newborns. I LOVE the babies and their new parents and everything about them... I HATE the ache I feel in my heart when I realize how quickly they grow up and how it seems like yesterday that my kindergartener was as tiny as these brand new balls of potential. I love their smell and their sweet facial expressions and dreamy smiles, but I hate that I leave thinking, "well....... just ONE more wouldn't be so bad..."
Little Connor is a perfect example of that! Oh, how sweet this little man was! He slept the entire time, melting into each position and pose and sighing that delicious little baby sigh, burrowing into the blankets and snuggling with his beautiful mama and his sweet daddy. He gave me the baby fever bad. Go on, I dare you to not feel the same!
I'll give you a minute to finish your "aaw"'s. Now, check back soon for more squishiness!
awww...those are so precious!